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Write for Us: Guest Post Guidelines

Thank you for expressing your interest in contributing a guest post to We are excited to welcome you into our community of writers and experts. Writing for us provides an excellent opportunity to showcase your knowledge and establish yourself as an authority in your field. Additionally, you'll gain exposure through our website and social media platforms.




Before you start crafting your guest post, please take a moment to review our comprehensive guidelines. This page outlines the submission process, content requirements, and the type of articles we are looking for.


What We Seek


Successful guest posts on should be informative, data-driven, captivating, and educational. To enhance your chances of publication, please ensure that your submission:
1. Is a relevant and well-researched article, preferably exceeding 1000 words, offering actionable insights.
2. Is 100% original and has not been published elsewhere.
3. Provides credible references and sources for any claims made, supported by links to reputable research or case studies. We discourage citing competitors and using irrelevant promotional links.
4. Incorporate examples and relevant images to illustrate your points. Avoid using generic stock photos; instead, consider using to visualize data, processes, ideas, or frameworks.
5. Includes subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs to enhance readability.


Topics We Cover


Our audience consists primarily of women from various departments seeking tips, best practices, and guidance on Fashion, health-related issues, lifestyle, parenting, cooking tips and kitchen items, business process modeling, and upcoming events.


Please refer to our existing blog posts to familiarize yourself with our preferred content layouts, language, and tone.

The Benefits

By contributing to, you can enjoy several advantages:

Social Media Exposure

We maintain active social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Your articles will be shared across these platforms, increasing their reach and impact.


Submission Guidelines


To ensure your article meets our quality standards and has a higher chance of being published, please adhere to the following guidelines:


1. Your article must exceed 1000 words and offer valuable insights to our readers.

2. You are allowed one self-serving link, either within the body of the article (1-dofollow link marked as no-sponsored) to a relevant, informative resource (e.g., a blog post) to your website or social media channel. You may also link to other relevant articles from, but please avoid excessive linking.

3. Outgoing links must be relevant to our blog's themes; we do not permit links to unrelated websites or topics.

4. Once your article is published on, you cannot repost it elsewhere, including on your own blog.

5. We encourage the use of images and videos to enhance your article's visual appeal. Images should be 580 pixels wide or less and submitted as separate attachments. Ensure you have the appropriate rights to use these images and provide proper attribution when necessary.


Considerations When Writing for


We have chosen to accept guest posts to provide our readers and fellow entrepreneurs with the opportunity to build their personal brands. We prefer working with real individuals rather than SEO agencies. To increase your chances of publication, please get acquainted with us:


- Follow us on our social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

- Share our existing articles within your network.


We receive numerous submissions each month, so refrain from emailing us to inquire about the status of your article. If your submission is selected, you will hear from us.


While this page may seem extensive, and the guidelines stringent, they are in place to maintain the quality of content and reduce spam submissions. We look forward to receiving your outstanding articles. If we believe your content is the right fit for, we will be in touch to discuss the next steps and any additional requirements for publishing your post.


Get Started Now!

We appreciate your interest and look forward to working with you to provide valuable content to our readers on


For more details

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