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"Fourteen Points" Proposed By Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah 1929

"Fourteen Points" Proposed By Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

"Fourteen Points" Proposed By Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

"Fourteen Points" Proposed By Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah introduced the "Fourteen Focuses" in 1929, framing the political requests and standards for protecting the privileges and interests of Muslims in English India. Here are the central issues:

1.  Government System:

   - The type representing things to come constitution ought to be government, with the residuary powers vested in the areas.

2.  Independence for Provinces:

   - All territories ought to be given full independence, with official and chief powers.

3. Portrayal in Legislatures:

   - Muslims ought to be enough addressed in all lawmaking bodies in relation to their populace.

4.  Separate Electorates:

   - Separate electorates for Muslims ought to be held.

5.  Sindh's Separation:

   - Sindh ought to be isolated from Bombay and made a different territory.

6.  Strict Liberty:

   - Muslims ought to have the opportunity to claim and practice their religion, and their social, strict, and social freedoms ought to be safeguarded.

7.  Muslims in Services:

   - Muslims ought to be sufficiently addressed in taxpayer-supported organizations, and enlistment ought to be founded on merit.

8.  Insurance of Muslim Colonies:

   - Muslim monetary interests, especially in agribusiness, ought to be shielded.

9. Changes in NWFP and Baluchistan:

   - In the North-West Wilderness Region (NWFP) and Baluchistan, the Muslims' privileges and interests ought to be safeguarded.

10.  33% Muslim Ministers:

    - 33% of the priests in the Focal Leader Committee ought to be Muslims.

11. Cancelation of Dark Act:

    - The "Dark Demonstration" ought to be canceled, and misleading arguments against Muslims ought to be removed.

12. Devolution of Powers:

    - Muslims ought to reserve the privilege to take part in the drawing up representing things to come constitution of India.

13. Muslims and Hindu Provinces:

    - In regions where Muslims are in a minority, sufficient shields ought to be given.

14.  Social and Financial Justice:

    - Standards of social and monetary equity ought to be consolidated in the constitution.

These Fourteen Focuses were instrumental in molding the requests and goals of the Muslim people group in English India, reflecting Quaid-e-Azam's vision for a fair and impartial political framework.

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