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Handwashing Myth and Realities

Handwashing Myth and Realities
 Handwashing Myth and Realities

Here we will discuss the Handwashing Myth and Realities. Our aim in writing this article is to clarify the concepts about what is true and what is false about the concepts you have in your mind based on hand washing hygiene.

We hope you will enjoy this topic. 

Myth 1: Hand Sanitizers Are more  Powerful than Handwashing


While hand sanitizers can be a helpful choice when cleanser and water are inaccessible, they are not a substitute for legitimate handwashing. Handwashing with cleanser and water is more viable at eliminating many microorganisms, including those that hand sanitizers may not kill.

Myth 2: Only Washing Hands with Water Is Enough


Flushing your hands with water alone doesn't successfully eliminate microorganisms and toxins. Handwashing with a cleanser/soap is fundamental for splitting down and washing away the oils, soil, and microorganisms on your skin.

Myth 3: High-Temperature Water Kills More Germs


The high-temperature water used for handwashing doesn't fundamentally influence its adequacy. Scrubbing your hands properly with a bar of soap eliminates microorganisms. Using heated water can be uncomfortable and may harm your skin after some time. Only use normal water to wash your hands.

Myth 4: You Don't Need to clean your hands if  they look clean


Microorganisms and microscopic organisms cannot be visible to the naked eye. If your hands look clean, it does not mean that they do not have any germs in them.  They may have hurtful microorganisms. Regular handwashing is fundamental, regardless of how your hands look.

Myth 5: Hand Dryers Are More Clean Than Paper Towels


Research shows that paper towels are many times more powerful at eliminating lingering microbes from wet hands contrasted with hand dryers. While the two techniques have their own benefits, paper towels can be a better decision regarding cleanliness.

Myth 6: Handwashing should be Lengthy


Effective handwashing requires around 20 seconds. This little investment of time can protect you from getting sick and promote health hygiene. This is a simple and fast method that will definitely work for you.

Myth 7: Handwashing Doesn't prevent the Normal Cold Virus


Handwashing is one of the best ways of preventing the spread of normal cold infections and numerous other infectious viruses. Proper hand washing can essentially decrease the risk of contamination.

In this part, we exposed these normal fantasies encompassing handwashing and stressed the significance of sticking to legitimate hand cleanliness rehearses. By giving useful information, we urge readers that effective handwashing is a key step in safeguarding their health and that of the people around them.

You can wash your hands properly by implementing these steps in your daily routine to avoid getting sick.

When to Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands is vital for maintaining hygiene and preventing the spread of germs and diseases. You should wash your hands:

  • Before preparing or handling food to prevent contamination.
  • After using the toilet to avoid spreading pathogens.
  • After changing diapers, especially for babies and toddlers.
  • Before and after caring for someone who is sick.
  • After coughing or sneezing to prevent respiratory pathogen transmission.
  • After touching animals or animal waste due to potential germs.
  • After touching garbage to avoid contamination.
  • After being in public places or using public transportation.
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound to prevent infection.
  • Before and after eating to ensure cleanliness.
  • After touching your face to reduce the risk of introducing germs.
  • When your hands are visibly dirty to remove dirt and pathogens.
Use soap and water, scrub for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if water is not available. Proper hand hygiene is a simple and effective way to prevent illness and maintain good health.


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